Microvascularized Free Flaps: Our Experience in the First 140 cases
Redondo Camacho, A. 2003 29-2 113-120Local Plantar Flaps
Fernández-Palacios, J 2000 26-2 159-165Local muscle flaps in lower extremity injuries
Marchioni, E. 2000 26-1 37-44Delayed Versus Inmediate Mammary Resconstruction with Pediculated TRAM Flap
Calderón W. 2001 27-2 139-143Comparisson between the Anterior Condropasty and Posterior Condroplasty Techniques for Hellix Valgus Management
Langarón Comba, E.J 2000 26-2 131-136Comparisson between the Anterior Condropasty and Posterior Condroplasty Techniques for Hellix Valgus Management
Langarón Comba, E.J 2000 26-2 131-136Surgical aproach to the correction of the paralyzed eyelid in facial paralysis
Hontanilla Calatayud, B. 2004 30-4 277-286Diet and Exercise as Antiaging Strategies
Ramírez,O.M 2004 30-1 51-63A ten years experience with vertical mammaplasty in the Mexico General Hospital
Espinosa Maceda, S. 2004 30-3 175-182Mandible Distraction: Comparison between internal and External Applied Devices
Alonso N. 2002 28-3 195-200